How Can I Use My Android Phone As a Monitor for My Raspberry Pi

Sure, I can write a comprehensive blog post on that topic. Here’s the article in HTML format: “`html How to Use Your Android Phone As a Monitor for Your Raspberry Pi

If you’re a Raspberry Pi enthusiast, you may be looking for ways to extend its functionality without investing in additional hardware. What if we told you that you could use your Android phone as a monitor for your Raspberry Pi? In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to do just that, enabling you to take advantage of your smartphone’s display for your Raspberry Pi projects.

How Can I Use My Android Phone As a Monitor for My Raspberry Pi



Before we start, make sure you have the following:

  • Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS installed
  • Android phone with a VNC viewer app installed
  • Active internet connection for both devices
How Can I Use My Android Phone As a Monitor for My Raspberry Pi


Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to set up your Android phone as a monitor for your Raspberry Pi:

1. Install A Vnc Server On The Raspberry Pi

First, install and configure a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) server on your Raspberry Pi. VNC allows you to remotely view and control your Raspberry Pi’s desktop from another device such as your Android phone. Ensure you have VNC server software such as RealVNC or TightVNC installed on your Raspberry Pi.

2. Configure The Vnc Server

Once the VNC server is installed, configure it to start automatically on boot. This ensures that you can access your Raspberry Pi’s desktop from your Android phone at any time. Make a note of the Raspberry Pi’s IP address as you’ll need it to establish a connection from your Android phone.

3. Download A Vnc Viewer App On Your Android Phone

Go to the Google Play Store on your Android phone and download a VNC viewer app such as RealVNC Viewer or VNC Viewer – Remote Desktop. These apps allow you to connect to your Raspberry Pi’s desktop using the VNC protocol.

4. Connect To Your Raspberry Pi

Open the VNC viewer app on your Android phone and enter your Raspberry Pi’s IP address to initiate the connection. You may be prompted to enter your Raspberry Pi’s username and password. Once authenticated, you should be able to see and interact with your Raspberry Pi’s desktop on your Android phone.

5. Enjoy Using Your Android Phone As A Monitor

Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up your Android phone as a monitor for your Raspberry Pi. Now you can leverage your smartphone’s screen for various Raspberry Pi projects, whether it’s programming, web browsing, or simply monitoring system performance.

Benefits of Using Your Android Phone As a Monitor for Your Raspberry Pi

By utilizing your Android phone as a monitor for your Raspberry Pi, you can enjoy several advantages:

Advantages Explanation
Portability Access your Raspberry Pi’s desktop from anywhere, without the need for a traditional monitor.
Convenience Use your Android phone’s touch interface for seamless interaction with your Raspberry Pi projects.
Cost Savings Eliminate the need to purchase a dedicated monitor for your Raspberry Pi, saving you money.
Resource Optimization Maximize the utility of your Android phone by repurposing it as a display for your Raspberry Pi.

Frequently Asked Questions On How Can I Use My Android Phone As A Monitor For My Raspberry Pi

Can I Use My Android Phone As A Monitor For My Raspberry Pi?

Yes, you can! By using VNC Viewer or a similar app, you can remotely access and control your Raspberry Pi from your Android phone.

How Do I Connect My Android Phone To My Raspberry Pi?

To connect your Android phone to your Raspberry Pi, you’ll need to install a VNC Viewer app on your phone and a VNC server on your Raspberry Pi. Then, simply follow the setup instructions provided by the app.

What Are The Benefits Of Using An Android Phone As A Monitor For My Raspberry Pi?

Using your Android phone as a monitor for your Raspberry Pi offers several advantages. It allows for remote access and control, provides a portable solution, and eliminates the need for a separate monitor.

Is It Possible To Use My Iphone As A Monitor For My Raspberry Pi?

Unfortunately, using an iPhone as a monitor for a Raspberry Pi is not as straightforward. There are alternative methods, such as using an HDMI adapter or a third-party app, but they may have limitations compared to using an Android phone.


Using your Android phone as a monitor for your Raspberry Pi opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing your projects and making them more accessible. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can seamlessly integrate your smartphone into your Raspberry Pi setup, bringing newfound flexibility and convenience to your DIY endeavors.

About Mohammad Ibrahim

Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.