How Do You Put a Comma at the End of Each Line in Linux

How to Put a Comma at the End of Each Line in Linux

Adding a comma at the end of each line in Linux can be a common requirement when dealing with text files or data processing. It can help with formatting or preparing the data for further manipulation. In this guide, we will explore several methods to achieve this task in a Linux environment.

Using Sed Command

The Sed command, which stands for stream editor, is a powerful tool for performing text transformations in Linux. To add a comma at the end of each line using Sed, you can utilize the following command:

    $ sed 's/$/,/' input.txt > output.txt

This command uses the substitution operation (s) to replace the end of each line ($) with a comma followed by the end of the line itself. The input.txt file is used as the input, and the result is redirected to output.txt.

How Do You Put a Comma at the End of Each Line in Linux


Using Awk Command

Another method to achieve this task is by using the Awk command. Awk is a versatile programming language for working on files. Here’s an example of how to add a comma at the end of each line using Awk:

    $ awk '{print $0","}' input.txt > output.txt

In this command, {print $0″,”} instructs Awk to print each line followed by a comma. The output is then redirected to output.txt.

How Do You Put a Comma at the End of Each Line in Linux


Using Perl Command

Perl is a powerful scripting language that can be used for various text manipulation tasks. Utilizing the Perl command, you can easily add a comma at the end of each line as shown below:

    $ perl -pe 's/\n/,\n/' input.txt > output.txt

The -pe flag in Perl allows for executing the given script on each line of the input file. In this case, the s/\n/,\n/ command is used to replace the newline character with a comma followed by a newline.

Using Python

Python provides a simple and readable way to handle text processing tasks. By utilizing a Python script, you can easily put a comma at the end of each line in Linux:

    with open('input.txt', 'r') as file_in, open('output.txt', 'w') as file_out:
        for line in file_in:
            file_out.write(line.rstrip('\n') + ',\n')

This Python script opens the input.txt file for reading and the output.txt file for writing. For each line in the input file, it removes the newline character and appends a comma followed by a newline before writing it to the output file.


In conclusion, there are multiple ways to put a comma at the end of each line in Linux. Whether you prefer utilizing built-in commands like Sed and Awk or scripting languages like Perl and Python, the choice is yours based on your familiarity and specific requirements. By following the methods outlined in this guide, you can efficiently accomplish this text manipulation task and enhance your data processing capabilities in Linux.

About Mohammad Ibrahim

Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.