How to Know If Someone Restricted You on Messenger

How to Know If Someone Restricted You on Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a widely used messaging app that allows people to connect and communicate with friends and family. However, there are times when you might suspect that someone has restricted or blocked you on Messenger. This article will provide you with some tips and tricks to help you determine if you have been restricted on Messenger.

1. Check Your Messages

One of the first signs that someone has restricted you on Messenger is if your messages to that person are not being delivered. If you notice that your messages are not getting through and remain stuck on the “Sent” status for an extended period of time, it could be an indication that you have been restricted by that person.

2. Look for Profile Changes

Another way to tell if someone has restricted you on Messenger is by checking for any changes to that person’s profile. If you are unable to see their profile picture, status updates, or last active status, it might suggest that they have restricted or blocked you.

3. Search for the Person in Messenger

Try searching for the person in Messenger using their name. If their profile does not appear in the search results, it could be a sign that they have restricted or blocked you. Additionally, if you previously had conversations with that person, but they no longer appear in your chat list, it might be an indication that you have been restricted.

How to Know If Someone Restricted You on Messenger


4. Check the Message Seen Status

When you send a message to someone who has restricted you on Messenger, the “Seen” status might not appear, even if the person has read your message. This inconsistency in the message seen status could be an indicator that you have been restricted by that person.

5. Reach Out through Another Platform

If you suspect that someone has restricted you on Messenger, try reaching out to them through a different platform or contact method. If they respond and communicate with you through other means, it could confirm your suspicion that you have been restricted on Messenger.

6. Create a New Account

If you are still uncertain whether someone has restricted you on Messenger, you can create a new account and search for the person in Messenger using the new account. If their profile is visible and you are able to send messages from the new account, it may suggest that you have been restricted on your original account.

7. Validate through Mutual Friends

Consulting mutual friends or acquaintances can also help you verify if you have been restricted on Messenger. If others can still see and interact with the person who you suspect has restricted you, it can further substantiate your suspicion.

How to Know If Someone Restricted You on Messenger



Being restricted on Messenger can be a frustrating experience, as it limits your ability to communicate with that person. By being observant of the signs and utilizing the methods mentioned in this article, you can gain a better understanding of whether you have been restricted on Messenger. Keep in mind that each situation may vary, and it’s essential to approach the matter with respect and understanding.

Thank you for reading this guide on how to know if someone has restricted you on Messenger. We hope you found this information helpful and that it assists you in navigating your messaging experiences on the platform.

About Mohammad Ibrahim

Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.