How to Unfollow Someone Profile on Twitch

How to Unfollow Someone’s Profile on Twitch: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unfollowing someone’s profile on Twitch is a simple process that allows you to manage your following list and keep it updated with the channels and streamers you want to support. Whether you’re looking to declutter your following list or simply no longer wish to receive updates from a particular user, unfollowing is a quick and easy way to achieve this.

How to Unfollow Someone Profile on Twitch


Step 1: Log in to Twitch

First, log in to your Twitch account using your preferred web browser. If you’re already logged in, skip to the next step.

Step 2: Navigate to the User’s Profile

Once logged in, navigate to the profile of the user you wish to unfollow. You can do this by searching for their username in the Twitch search bar or by accessing your following list and locating their profile there.

Step 3: Click the “Following” Button

On the user’s profile, locate the “Following” button. This button signifies that you are currently following the user. Click on this button to unfollow the user.

How to Unfollow Someone Profile on Twitch


Step 4: Confirm Unfollow

After clicking the “Following” button, a confirmation dialog will appear asking if you’re sure you want to unfollow the user. Click “Unfollow” to confirm your decision.

Step 5: Verify Unfollow

To verify that you have successfully unfollowed the user, you can revisit their profile or check your following list to ensure that their profile no longer appears in your list of followed users.


Unfollowing someone’s profile on Twitch is a straightforward process that can help you tailor your following list to your preferences. Whether you’re looking to streamline your following list or simply no longer wish to support a particular user, the unfollow feature provides a convenient way to manage your Twitch experience.

By following these simple steps, you can easily unfollow someone’s profile on Twitch and ensure that your following list reflects the channels and streamers you are truly interested in.

Remember, it’s okay to unfollow users on Twitch if their content no longer aligns with your interests or if you simply want to curate a more personalized following list. Keeping your following list up-to-date allows you to discover new content and engage with the creators you are most passionate about.

So, log in to your Twitch account, navigate to the user’s profile, click the “Following” button, confirm the unfollow, and verify the change. You’ll be on your way to maintaining a tailored and engaging following list that reflects your interests and preferences.

About Mohammad Ibrahim

Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.