How to Make My Xbox Series X Run Faster

To make your Xbox Series X run faster, clear the cache and close unused apps. Here’s how to do it.

If you’re experiencing lag or slow loading times on your Xbox Series X, there are several things you can do to improve its performance. One of the simplest and most effective strategies is to clear the cache. This will free up space and memory, allowing your console to run more smoothly.

Another useful tip is to close any unused apps or games running in the background, as this can also slow down your Xbox. Additionally, you may want to consider disconnecting any unnecessary peripherals, such as controllers or external hard drives, which can sometimes cause performance issues. We’ll take a closer look at these and other techniques for optimizing the speed and efficiency of your Xbox Series X.

Clean Your Xbox Series X

Keeping your Xbox Series X clean can make a huge difference in its performance. Make sure to clean it frequently to keep it dust-free. This will prevent any buildup of dust that could slow down your system and affect its performance. Keep in mind that your Xbox Series X hard drive can only handle so much data, so it’s important to unclutter it often. Delete any games and apps you no longer use and make sure to regularly update the ones you do. By maintaining a clean and organized system, you can keep your Xbox Series X running at its best.

Cleaning tips: Uncluttering tips:
– Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the exterior of your Xbox Series X.
– Delete any games and apps you no longer use.
– Use a small brush to clean any ports or vents.
– Regularly update the games and apps you do use.
– Keep your Xbox Series X in a well-ventilated area.
– Use an external hard drive to store data that you don’t need immediately.
How to Make My Xbox Series X Run Faster


Manage System Settings

To make your Xbox Series X run faster, you need to manage the system settings. One of the ways to do this is to turn off background downloads. This will free up bandwidth, allowing you to focus on gaming. Another way is to close running apps that you’re not using. These apps take up memory and can slow down the overall performance of your system. Finally, you can also use energy-saving mode. This mode reduces the amount of power your system consumes, which can help improve its performance. By following these tips, you can get the most out of your Xbox Series X and enjoy a faster and smoother gaming experience.

Tip How to do it
Turn off background downloads Go to Settings -> General -> Network settings -> Bandwidth usage. From here, you can turn off background downloads.
Close running apps Press the Xbox button on your controller to bring up the guide. From here, select the app you want to close, then press the Menu button on your controller. Select Quit and the app will close.
Use energy-saving mode Go to Settings -> General -> Power mode & startup. From here, select Energy-saving mode.

Optimize Network Connection

Use Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi to optimize network connection of your Xbox Series X. Wi-Fi signals can suffer from interference which can result in a slower connection. By using an Ethernet cable, you can directly connect your console to your network which can lead to more stable and faster internet speeds.

Close bandwidth-intensive apps on your other devices to free up more bandwidth for your Xbox Series X. Streaming services and online games on other devices can hog your network and use up valuable bandwidth. By shutting down these apps, you can allocate more bandwidth to your console which can result in faster and smoother gaming experience.

Manage Game Settings

To make your Xbox Series X faster, you can manage the game settings. Try disabling HDR and ray tracing, as they consume more power and resources. This will allow your console to focus on frame rates and overall performance. Also, turning off the vibration and controller speaker can reduce the amount of power consumed, which contributes to the faster operation of your Xbox Series X. By keeping these settings disabled, you can greatly improve your gaming experience while utilizing the full power of your console.

Use An External Ssd

One of the easiest and most effective ways to make your Xbox Series X run faster is to use an external SSD. However, it’s important to choose a high-speed drive, as not all SSDs are created equal. Look for SSDs with read and write speeds of at least 500 MB/s, such as the Samsung T7 or Western Digital My Passport. Once you have your SSD, you can install games onto it, freeing up space on your Xbox’s internal hard drive and allowing games to run faster and smoother. Plus, you can take your external SSD with you to play games on other Xbox consoles or PCs.

Upgrade Internal Ssd

To make your Xbox Series X run faster, upgrading the internal SSD is a great option. However, you need to choose an SSD compatible with Xbox Series X to avoid any compatibility issues. Make sure to do your research and pick a reputable brand for the best results. Once you have your new SSD, transferring games to it is the next step. This will free up space on the original drive and allow your games to load faster. With these two simple steps, you can optimize the performance of your Xbox Series X and experience faster load times and smoother gameplay.

Benefit Action
Free up space on original drive Transfer games to new SSD
Faster load times Upgrade internal SSD
Smoother gameplay Upgrade internal SSD

Update Your Xbox Series X

In order to make your Xbox Series X run faster, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure to check for system updates regularly. These updates can often include performance improvements and fixes that can help your Xbox run more smoothly.

It’s also important to update your games regularly. Developers often release patches and updates that can improve game performance and fix any bugs or glitches.

Additionally, consider clearing out any unnecessary data or games that you no longer play to make sure that your Xbox isn’t bogged down with excess files.

By following these simple steps, you can help ensure that your Xbox Series X is running at its best and providing you with the optimal gaming experience.

How to Make My Xbox Series X Run Faster


Contact Official Support

To make your Xbox Series X run faster, you may seek assistance from Xbox support. This can be done by contacting official support or booking a console repair appointment. Xbox support can provide solutions to optimize your console’s performance, including updates and troubleshooting steps. It’s important to keep your console updated with the latest software to ensure it runs efficiently. You may also try clearing the cache and deleting unused games to free up space and improve performance. By following these tips and reaching out to Xbox support, you can enhance the speed and functionality of your Xbox Series X.

How to Make My Xbox Series X Run Faster



To summarize, optimizing your Xbox Series X for maximum performance is critical for an immersive gaming experience. By following the steps we’ve outlined in this post, you can make sure your console is functioning at its best. Whether it’s clearing out unnecessary space or adjusting your TV settings, these tips can help you get the most out of your Xbox Series X.

Keep them in mind next time you’re ready to settle in for a gaming session. Happy playing!

About Mohammad Ibrahim

Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.