How to Stop Android Phone from Vibrating Or Making Clicking Sounds

How to Stop Android Phone from Vibrating or Making Clicking Sounds

Many Android phone users may find the constant vibrating or clicking sounds of their devices to be annoying or disruptive. These sounds and vibrations can be triggered by various notifications, alerts, or actions on the phone, but fortunately, there are ways to control and even stop them altogether. In this article, we will explore some methods to help you stop your Android phone from vibrating or making clicking sounds.

Adjusting Sound and Vibration Settings

One of the simplest ways to control the vibrations and clicking sounds on your Android phone is by adjusting the sound and vibration settings. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android phone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Sound” or “Sound & Vibration.”
  3. From here, you can adjust the volume levels for different types of notifications, such as ringtone, media, and notifications.
  4. To disable vibration, toggle off the “Vibrate on touch” or “Vibrate on tap” option.
  5. You can also disable other vibration settings for notifications and calls if desired.
How to Stop Android Phone from Vibrating Or Making Clicking Sounds


Managing Notifications

Another common source of vibrations and clicking sounds on Android phones is notifications from apps. To manage these notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings app and tap on “Apps & notifications.”
  2. Select the app from which you want to stop receiving vibrations or sounds.
  3. Tap on “Notifications” and adjust the settings for that particular app, such as turning off vibration or sound for its notifications.
  4. If you want to take it a step further, you can also disable notifications for the app entirely.

Using Do Not Disturb Mode

Do Not Disturb mode is a useful feature that allows you to silence calls, alerts, and notifications on your Android phone. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Open the Settings app and tap on “Sound” or “Sound & vibration.”
  2. Look for “Do Not Disturb” or “Do Not Disturb mode” and tap on it.
  3. You can schedule Do Not Disturb to activate during specific times, or turn it on manually.
  4. When in Do Not Disturb mode, you can choose to allow certain notifications to come through while silencing others.

Installing Third-Party Apps

If you’re still experiencing unwanted vibrations and clicking sounds on your Android phone, there are third-party apps available that can help you further customize and control these settings. Some of these apps offer more granular control over notifications, sounds, and vibrations than the built-in Android settings. However, be sure to choose reputable apps from the Google Play Store to ensure the security and reliability of these tools.

How to Stop Android Phone from Vibrating Or Making Clicking Sounds


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Stop Android Phone From Vibrating Or Making Clicking Sounds

How Can I Stop My Android Phone From Vibrating?

To stop your Android phone from vibrating, go to the Settings app, select Sounds & Vibration, then choose Vibration intensity. From there, adjust the vibration settings according to your preference.

Is There A Way To Disable The Clicking Sounds On My Android Phone?

Yes, you can disable the clicking sounds on your Android phone. Simply access the Settings app, select Sounds & Vibration, then tap on Keyboard Sound or System Sound to turn it off.

How Do I Turn Off Haptic Feedback On My Android Device?

To turn off haptic feedback on your Android device, navigate to the Settings app, tap on Sounds & Vibration, then select Haptic Feedback. Toggle the switch to disable it and enjoy a vibration-free experience.

Can I Customize The Vibration Intensity On My Android Phone?

Absolutely! You can customize the vibration intensity on your Android phone. Open the Settings app, go to Sounds & Vibration, then select Vibration intensity. From there, adjust the sliders to set your desired vibration level.


By following the methods outlined in this article, you can effectively stop your Android phone from vibrating or making clicking sounds, allowing you to enjoy a more peaceful and customized mobile experience. Whether it’s adjusting the built-in settings, managing app notifications, utilizing Do Not Disturb mode, or exploring third-party app options, there are plenty of ways to take control of your phone’s sounds and vibrations to suit your preferences.

About Mohammad Ibrahim

Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.