What is Difference between Listview And Recyclerview in Android

Difference between ListView and RecyclerView in Android

When it comes to displaying a list of items in an Android app, developers have two popular options to choose from: ListView and RecyclerView. Both of these provide the functionality to display a scrollable list, but there are several key differences between the two that developers should consider when deciding which to use.


ListView is the older of the two options and has been a staple in Android development for many years. It uses an Adapter to bind data to the UI and is well-suited for simple lists with a small number of items.

One of the drawbacks of ListView is its inefficient memory usage when dealing with large datasets. This is due to the way ListView recycles views and manages the underlying data, which can lead to performance issues when working with a large number of items.


RecyclerView, on the other hand, was introduced as a modern and more efficient replacement for ListView. It provides a flexible and extensible way to display lists and has several features that make it superior to ListView.

One such feature is the ViewHolder pattern, which allows for better recycling of views and improved performance, especially when dealing with large datasets. Additionally, RecyclerView provides built-in support for animations and item decorations, making it easier to create visually appealing and interactive lists.

Key Differences

Aspect ListView RecyclerView
Memory Usage Less efficient, can lead to performance issues with large datasets More efficient, ViewHolder pattern for better recycling of views
Extensibility Limited More flexible and extensible
Animation Support Less built-in support Built-in support for animations
Item Decorations N/A Built-in support for item decorations
What is Difference between Listview And Recyclerview in Android

Credit: medium.com

Which One to Choose?

Considering the capabilities and performance, RecyclerView is the preferred choice for displaying lists in modern Android apps. Its efficient memory usage, extensibility, and built-in support for animations make it a better option, especially for complex lists with large datasets.

However, ListView still has its place in certain scenarios, such as when working on legacy code or simple lists with a small number of items. It’s important for developers to weigh the specific requirements of their app and choose the appropriate list view based on those needs.

What is Difference between Listview And Recyclerview in Android

Credit: www.reddit.com

Frequently Asked Questions For What Is Difference Between Listview And Recyclerview In Android

What Is The Difference Between Listview And Recyclerview In Android?

Listview and Recyclerview are two popular UI elements used to display lists of data in Android applications. While they both serve a similar purpose, there are some key differences between them.

How Does Listview Work In Android?

Listview is an older UI component in Android that provides a basic way to display a vertical list of items. It uses an adapter to fetch data and create views for each item in the list. Listview tends to be less efficient when handling large datasets or complex layouts.

How Does Recyclerview Work In Android?

Recyclerview is a newer and more enhanced version of Listview. It offers more flexibility and control over the layout and appearance of the list items. Recyclerview uses a combination of adapter, layout manager, and view holder pattern, resulting in better performance and smoother scrolling.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Recyclerview Over Listview?

Recyclerview offers several advantages over Listview. It supports various layout options, such as vertical, horizontal, and grid layouts. Recyclerview also provides better scrolling performance, thanks to its built-in view recycling mechanism. Additionally, Recyclerview simplifies the implementation of animations and touch gestures.


While both ListView and RecyclerView serve the purpose of displaying lists in Android apps, RecyclerView stands out as the more modern and efficient option. With its improved memory usage, extensibility, and built-in support for animations, RecyclerView has become the go-to choice for developers looking to create dynamic and visually appealing lists in their Android apps.

By understanding the differences between the two and considering the specific requirements of their app, developers can make informed decisions when choosing between ListView and RecyclerView for their list display needs.

About Mohammad Ibrahim

Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.