What is Difference between Service And Intent Service Android

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If you are an Android developer, you must be familiar with the concepts of Service and IntentService. Both are essential components for handling background tasks in Android applications. However, there are significant differences between the two. In this article, we will delve into the dissimilarities and understand when to use Service and IntentService in Android development.

Service in Android

Firstly, let’s discuss the Service in Android. A Service is a component that can perform long-running operations in the background, independently of the user interface. It doesn’t provide a user interface but is used to perform tasks such as playing music, fetching data from the internet, or handling other time-consuming operations. A Service runs in the main thread of the hosting process unless explicitly started in a separate thread.

Differences between Service and IntentService in Android
Aspect Service IntentService
Threading Runs on the main thread unless specified otherwise Automatically creates a worker thread
Usage Use for long-running operations that need to be explicitly started and stopped Best suited for handling asynchronous requests on a one-off basis
Queue processing Doesn’t automatically handle queued requests Automatically handles queued requests on a one-off basis
Stopping Needs to be manually stopped once the task is complete Stops itself once the requested work is complete

IntentService in Android

Now, let’s turn our attention to IntentService in Android. IntentService is a subclass of Service that handles asynchronous requests (expressed as Intents) on demand. It automatically creates a worker thread and processes all start requests serially. This means that the service is automatically stopped once the requested work is complete.

What is Difference between Service And Intent Service Android

Credit: blog.mindorks.com

Differences between Service and IntentService in Android

Here is a breakdown of the key differences between Service and IntentService in Android:

  • Threading: Service runs on the main thread unless specified otherwise, while IntentService automatically creates a worker thread.
  • Usage: Service is best suited for long-running operations that need to be explicitly started and stopped, while IntentService is ideal for handling asynchronous requests on a one-off basis.
  • Queue processing: Service doesn’t automatically handle queued requests, whereas IntentService automatically handles queued requests on a one-off basis.
  • Stopping: Service needs to be manually stopped once the task is complete, while IntentService stops itself once the requested work is complete.

Understanding these differences is crucial for determining when to use Service and when to opt for IntentService in Android development. Depending on the specific requirements of your application, you can make an informed decision regarding the choice of background service.

What is Difference between Service And Intent Service Android

Credit: medium.com

Frequently Asked Questions For What Is Difference Between Service And Intent Service Android

What Is Service In Android?

A Service is an application component in Android that runs in the background independent of the user interface.

How Does Service Differ From Intentservice In Android?

Unlike Service, IntentService is a subclass of Service that handles asynchronous requests (Intents) on a separate worker thread sequentially.

When Should I Use Service Instead Of Intentservice?

Use Service when you need to handle long-running operations that can be interrupted or need to be running even when the application is in the background.

When Should I Use Intentservice Instead Of Service?

Use IntentService when you require a sequential queue for handling requests, as it automatically handles requests on a separate worker thread.


In conclusion, both Service and IntentService are essential tools for handling background tasks in Android applications. While Service is suitable for long-running operations that need to be explicitly managed, IntentService is a better choice for handling asynchronous requests on a one-off basis. By understanding the differences between the two, developers can leverage the strengths of each to optimize the performance and functionality of their Android applications.

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About Mohammad Ibrahim

Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.