How Do You Call Someone When They Have Do Not Disturb on Android

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Do Not Disturb mode on Android is a helpful feature that silences calls and notifications, allowing users to focus or relax without interruption. However, there may be times when you need to reach someone urgently, even when their phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. In this article, we’ll explore different methods to call someone when they have enabled Do Not Disturb on their Android device.

How Do You Call Someone When They Have Do Not Disturb on Android


Use Emergency Bypass Feature

The Emergency Bypass feature on Android allows certain contacts or specific contact groups to bypass the Do Not Disturb mode, ensuring that important calls are not missed. Here’s how you can enable Emergency Bypass for a contact:

  1. Open the Contacts app on your Android device.
  2. Find and select the contact you want to enable Emergency Bypass for.
  3. Tap on the “Edit” option (pencil icon) to edit the contact details.
  4. Scroll down and look for the “Emergency Bypass” or “Priority” setting.
  5. Enable the Emergency Bypass toggle for that contact.
How Do You Call Someone When They Have Do Not Disturb on Android


Send an Urgent Message

If the situation doesn’t require an immediate voice call, you can send an urgent message to the person even when their phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. Here are the steps to send an urgent message on Android:

  1. Open the messaging app on your phone.
  2. Select the contact you wish to message.
  3. Compose your message and mark it as urgent (if supported by your messaging app).
  4. Send the message, and it will likely bypass the Do Not Disturb setting and notify the recipient.

Use a Different Messaging Platform

If the recipient has enabled Do Not Disturb for traditional SMS and calls, consider using an alternative messaging platform that offers additional notification options. Apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, or Facebook Messenger may provide options to mark messages as urgent, ensuring that they reach the recipient even when their phone is in silent mode.

Try Making a Video or Voice Call

Some Android devices allow video and voice calls to bypass the Do Not Disturb mode, especially if the recipient has configured their device to allow calls from certain contacts or apps. You can attempt to make a video or voice call using apps like WhatsApp, Skype, or Google Duo, which might override the silent settings and alert the other person.

Frequently Asked Questions On How Do You Call Someone When They Have Do Not Disturb On Android

How Does The Do Not Disturb Mode Work On Android?

The Do Not Disturb mode on Android allows you to limit interruptions and notifications from calls, messages, and apps, ensuring peace and focus.

Can You Call Someone Who Has Do Not Disturb On Android?

Yes, you can call someone who has activated Do Not Disturb on their Android device, but it may still go straight to voicemail unless they have specified exceptions or allowed contacts to reach them.

How Do You Call Someone With Do Not Disturb On Android?

To call someone with Do Not Disturb on Android, you can simply add them to your “Favorites” or “Priority” list or enable the “Allow Calls From” option in the Do Not Disturb settings.

How Can I Bypass Do Not Disturb On Android?

To bypass Do Not Disturb on Android, you can set specific contacts as “Priority” or add them to your “Favorites” list. Calls from these contacts will ring even when Do Not Disturb is active.


While Do Not Disturb mode is a useful feature for maintaining focus and reducing interruptions, there are various methods to reach someone when they have it enabled on their Android device. By utilizing emergency bypass settings, sending urgent messages, using alternative messaging platforms, or making video and voice calls, you can ensure that important communications are not missed even when the recipient’s phone is in silent mode.

About Mohammad Ibrahim

Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.