How to Add Splash Screen in Ios React Native

To add a splash screen in iOS React Native, install the SplashScreen package and edit the AppDelegate.m file. A splash screen is a crucial component of any mobile app that creates a lasting impression on users.

Adding a splash screen to your iOS React Native app is relatively straightforward, provided you have some programming knowledge. You can use the SplashScreen package to create a custom splash screen for your app, and the AppDelegate. m file to edit the Native iOS code that bootstraps your React Native app.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of adding a splash screen to your iOS React Native app, step by step.

How to Add Splash Screen in Ios React Native


Creating A Splash Screen In Ios React Native

Adding a splash screen in IOS React Native can improve the user experience and give your app a professional look. To do so, you need to create the launch images, add them to the Xcode project, and configure the settings in the project’s Info.

plist file. With these few steps, your app will have a customized splash screen when it starts.

To create a splash screen in IOS React Native, the first step is to add a launch screen file. This file contains the image or animation that will be displayed during the app launch. After adding the file, it’s possible to customize it by editing the design or adding extra elements like logos. The next step involves linking this file to the project by simply configuring the project to use it. Finally, modifying the project settings is necessary to ensure that the app displays the splash screen correctly. When creating a splash screen, it’s essential to ensure that it’s optimized for different device sizes and resolutions.
How to Add Splash Screen in Ios React Native


Best Practices For Splash Screens

Splash screens are an essential feature of Ios React Native apps. To optimize user experience, it is recommended to keep them simple yet consistent with your brand. A simple design with fewer details works better when it comes to splash screens. Moreover, make sure to optimize the size and resolution of the splash screen to minimize the app loading time. Using the right size and resolution can improve the app’s performance and make the app load faster. Additionally, it is essential to include an app loading notice on the splash screen to give users a clear indication that their app is being loaded. Following these best practices can improve user engagement and enhance their overall experience.

Best Practices for Splash Screens
Use a Simple Design
Keep it Consistent with Your Brand
Optimize the Size and Resolution
Include App Loading Notice
How to Add Splash Screen in Ios React Native



Incorporating a splash screen in your iOS React Native app can enhance user experience and add to the overall appeal of the app. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily add a captivating splash screen to your app.

Keep in mind the importance of keeping it lightweight and choosing a design that aligns with your brand. With these tips, your app will stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on your users.

About Mohammad Ibrahim

Editor - An aspiring Web Entrepreneur and avid Tech Geek. He loves to cover topics related to iOS, Tech News, and the latest tricks and tips floating over the Internet.